Irina Shake filed a young blogger for an offensive song


Irina Shake filed a blogger by Volodya XXL, who mentioned it in his new song. It comes in:

I make Milkchek on the face of Irina Shayk.

A world-famous model could not ignore this dubious song with a stupid rhyme, and her lawyers prepared a lawsuit against a blogger.

Although at some point Volodya realized that the shaft line with the mention of the shake was inappropriate, and replaced it on "I do Milkchek for the Irina Sheik himself, but it was too late. A blog of the court came to the court on behalf of Irina than he definitely boasted in his Instagram.

Sailed. She filed to court. Track "Milkshek" will not come out ... You can thank Irina Shayk,

- He signed a publication.

Irina Shake filed a young blogger for an offensive song 19204_1

Many Volodya subscribers stood on the side of Irina and supported her decision. But at the same time, many noted that the blogger still managed to "hayput" and attract attention, and now they know those who have never heard about him.

"I did it right, I didn't have to write about it," I write about myself that Milkshek makes you on my face, "" You've noted her himself forever and wrote in Direct, what did you expect? "," Because What she had no need to do from the very beginning "," Thank you, Irina! " - Write in the comments of Volodya users.

Публикация от irinashayk (@irinashayk)

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