"Training color": Is it worth applying makeup for fitness classes?


It is known that when applied makeup, pores are blocked, and their clogging can lead to inflammatory processes, as a result of which comedones may form, acne, dryness. Walking with makeup on training is contraindicated, especially people with oily skin, as the secretion of the sebaceous glands is disturbed and the likelihood of the appearance of rash and peeling is high.

"If this rule is regularly violated, the training is over, and the makeup on the face caused inflammatory processes, it is necessary to sign up for the effective cleaning of the face - this can save the skin from serious damage, - advises the deputy director of the X-Fit Service spa director Natalya Afanasyev. - It is especially useful to go to the cleaning of the face in the fall, and not in the summer, when the chemical peeling disrupts the top layer of the epidermis, and the skin becomes very thin and sensitive, especially for ultraviolet: the abundance of sun rays can cause the appearance of pigment spots. Autumn such a problem is no longer. "

To choose the following means, it is necessary to treat extremely seriously, and for this you need to understand what it is possible and cannot be used before training:

one. Cream. The use of creams of any kind and type - both tonal, bb and moisturizing - extremely undesirable, as they have a negative impact on the skin. Any cream creates a film and does not allow the skin to breathe, which is very important during loads. The sweat allocated during the workout is absorbed together with the cream, which may also lead to serious injuries of the epidermis. Natalia Afanasyev recommends even the night cream to apply half an hour before sleep, so that he can absorb, otherwise the face can be eaten.

At the same time, the ban on the use of creams during the training process does not apply to anti-cellulite creams, as they help to quickly prepare the body and muscles to loads, and moisturizing fluids that do not harm and tone skin selection.

2. Powder and blush. These means leather tolerates much easier than a tone cream, but they are also not recommended to apply them before class. Any external intervention in the performance of the sweating system can adversely affect the skin and the result is the likelihood of the appearance of rash, spots and redness.

3. Pencil for eyes, mascara, shadow and lipstick. The use of cosmetics data for makeup is undesirable in training. With abundant sweating, the risk that make-up can spread, and this can entail inflammatory processes in the eyes, on eyelids or lips.

four. Antiperspirants. This personal hygiene tool must be selected especially carefully for use in training. First, the antipersperant should be odorless: it may interfere with freely breathe not only to the user, but also to other visitors, which ultimately can lead to discomfort and failure processing process. Secondly, it is important to use natural salt antiperspirants that will not block pores, disrupt lymphotok and will not interfere with the body to perform their work, which during training is to cool the body by selecting the sweat. Incorrectly selected antiperspirant as a result blocked the pores and will prevent free sweating.

It is necessary to pay attention to what you can use after training.

one. Moisturizing. After training or visiting the pool, first of all it is necessary to take a shower. Cream must be selected according to the skin type. For dry skin, nutritious creams with high fatty, essential moisturizing oils, body milk, and moisturizing fluids are well suited for oily leather. Many companies, focusing on the needs of their target audience, pay great attention to the development of cosmetics complexes for use before and after training.

2. Strengthening and cleansing. It is useful to use anti-cellulite cream without a warming effect, as they contribute to strengthening venous walls and prevent the appearance of vascular stars. Moreover, anti-cellulite creams contribute to the withdrawal of slags and excess fluid from the body.

3. Restoration. After training, it is recommended to visit a relaxing SPA program aimed at restoring the body after physical exertion. This will help faster to restore the body, extended by workout, relax the muscles, which will get rid of pain the next day, will prevent the clogging of the muscles with lactic acid, and the well-selected program with massage will improve well-being and in general will contribute to a good mood for all day, strong sleep all night.

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