The neighbors of the Wine Diesel complained about his guards: "It is insulting!"


The neighbors of the diesel wine complained about his guard, which is so concerned about the safety of the actor and his family, which demonstrates a tough and dismissive attitude towards local residents. It is known that now wines with his family is in Dominican Republic, where he rented the place in the closed zone near Punta Kana.

According to TMZ, one of the neighbors wrote a letter with a complaint with a complaint. "For a few weeks, I hear the complaints of your guards from other neighbors, and I myself come across their inappropriate behavior. They interrogate us, block our streets with our SUVs, stop passersby when you ride a bike nearby. It is absurd and offensive! In our area no one represents threats for you or for other guests. We have seen a lot of celebrities here, but no one imposed our rules and did not disturb the rest of the local residents or other guests, "the Diesel neighbor complained. It was especially indignant that the protection of wine was blocked by the road when Diesel and his children at Easter rode bicycles.

But the source from the actor's circle explained that on that day the security was necessary, since Diesel and his family distributed baskets with gifts to local workers. Insider also said that wines never wanted to show disrespect for the neighbors, for 20 years of visits in Dominican He did not have such problems. In addition, the source noted, the diesel guards specially hired local residents to ensure their work.

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