Hero Alexander Skarsgard in "confrontation" described like a "sexy trance"


Full Alexander Skarsgard took part in the new series "Confrontation", based on the novel of Stephen King. On the eve of the exit of the first series, colleagues shared their feelings from the role of the Swedish actor. It turned out, Skarsgard will be similar to the "sexy trance" in his new role.

These reflections shared with the press of Fiona Dorrick, which performed the role of a female rat. Scarsgard played Randalla Flegg, which is also called a dark person. FLGG is one of the main villains in the novel.

I agree with the DRON and Catherine McNamara, another colleague actor. That's what she told about the image of a dark man.

"It's a little scary when hundreds of statists shout out insane curses to Alexander Skarsgard, who rules us as Randalla Flagga," the actress believes.

Scarsgard himself in a conversation with the press told that when preparing for the role tried to concentrate on Flegg's vulnerabilities. His main thing is a faint line - praised the minions, which feeds the ego of the villain.

The action of "confrontation" occurs in the postpocalyptic world, where only units of survivors remained. Once in the new world, the Randall Flegg appears, which many consider the devil's messenger. He suggested to join him who survived him, but Fleggu is opposed to the 108-year-old Mother Abigail, performed by Wüpi Goldberg, who invites the remaining people in dreams, fulfilling, as she is confident, the will of God.

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