Will Smith does not exclude that he comes to the post of president of the United States


Hollywood actor Will Smith does not exclude that in the near future will fight for the presidency of the United States. About the political ambitions of the star "People in Black" told in Pod Save America podcast.

"I think I will allow the present office [president] a little bit, and then think about this future," he said.

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Smith plans to seek social justice. The actor is known for educational activities to combat racism. Recently, the documentary film "Amendment: The struggle for America" ​​was released on Netflix, where he performed as the author and producer. The picture talks about the 14th amendment to the US Constitution and Social Justice.

"I grew up with the impression that racists and racism are stupid, and with them it is easy to do. I just needed to become smarter while they were very dangerous. Looking into the eyes of racists, I have never seen something similar to intelligence, "the actor said.

He is confident that society can come to harmony and mutual understanding, and is ready to contribute to it in any form.

"I will definitely contribute to this regardless of whether to deal with the actor or at some point I will go to the political arena," the executor of the leading role in the film "I - Legend" said.

Smith for the first time declares political ambitions. In the days of the presidency of Donald Trump, he spoke in one of the interviews that if the society continues to seriously talk about the topics like the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico, he would be forced to go into politics.

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