Anna Pakuin said only six words in "Irish", but the fans remained delighted


Anna Pakuin was only one of the many celebrities, which will appear in the new film Martin Scorsese "Irishman", and yet the fans drew attention to her character. Though throughout the tape, which lasts three and a half hours, the actress appears on the screen only for 10 minutes, for which she utters six words, her game was truly masterpiece.

Anna Pakuin said only six words in

Anna Pakuin said only six words in

The spectators of "Irish" have formed two camps in Twitter: Some swear in every way the creative team of the film for the fact that the talented Pakuin got such a small role, while others believe that this went to actress only for advantage, because she, having shattering most of her screen time, was able to Demonstrate the incredible depth of the game.

According to Twitter users, Pakuin, as well as an actress, who played it in childhood, may have been a few, but their character was shilled in full. They also noted that those, "who complains about the lack of dialogue from Anna Pakuin, perhaps missed the entire meaning of the film."

"Anne got only one important dialogue in the film. It is not only perfectly written and delivered, but thanks to her game is my favorite moment in the whole film. God, what a wonderful movie! "

By the way, the audience also celebrated the magnificent game of Robert Den Niro, whose character, Frank Shiran, is located in the center of the narration and turns out to be drawn into the criminal cycle of events. The film was created based on the novel of Charles Brandt "I heard, you are painting at home."

The premiere of "Irish" in the Netflix Stregnation Service is scheduled for November 27.

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