The star of "Transformers" Sofia Miles said that her father died from coronavirus


Recently, the actress Sofia Miles reported to hospitalize his father Peter, after he was placed in Quarantine in London for several days due to the COVID-19 virus.

But on Saturday, Miles declared the death of his father.

Rest with the world, Peter Miles. My dear dad died a few hours ago. Coronavirus eventually took him

- wrote a star in his Twitter. She also shared photographs from the hospital chamber, including the scene on which she was with dad.

Yesterday I went on the journey to see my father. This is the harsh reality of coronavirus,

- Sofia signed her photo taken by the Father's bed.

The other day, in an interview with CBS News, Sofia noted that the doctors now have hard, because in hospitals a large flow of patients.

I can say that in the depths of the soul they just go crazy. I do not know how our medical system will be able to cope with the influx of patients. Be very careful to your elderly relatives, especially when you are near them at home. And be attentive to those you know whose immune system is already weakened and vulnerable

- said Sofia.

The star of

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