Alissa Milano do not want to see in the movies due to political beliefs


The other day netflix announced that Alissa Milano would play a major role in the romantic thriller film Roberts "blind passion", which caused a negative reaction of conservative fans, dissatisfied with the frank liberal actress.

Grace will play Milano in Ribe, the writer, whose life turned over when her sister was killed. Soon Grace turns out to be actively involved in this case, despite the warnings of a police detective.

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In a statement for Entertainment Weekly, the author of the book Nora Roberts responded to disputes, putting on the side of the actress. The writer stressed that I was glad that Alissa joined the project, but it was shocked by comments in social networks.

"For those who declare that they will never read my work again because of various political views and opinions or due to the fact that a talented, experienced actor will play a role, I can only say that this is their choice," - 70-year-old Roberts said.

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The author complemented a statement by publishing on Facebook, where he called himself a "liberal democrat" and noted that "everyone has the right to political beliefs." Nora admitted that it could not imagine such a situation in which she would have missed new books, songs or films from those authors who have a different "political orientation".

"Watch the movie when it comes out, or do not look. But the crust to the actress or threats show me only your own limitations, "she concluded.

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