Network Discuss Photos of Emma Watson in a suit Wonder Women at a party Joan Rowling


It is not known how many stars "Harry Potter" and other Rowling projects visited the celebration of her birthday, since the writer itself on Twitter did not share photos and did not notice the wishes of fans on the network. However, thanks to Emma Watson, it turned out that the party was a costumed and Evanna Lynch was also present on it. The on-screen Hermione and Polumna made a joint photo from Rowling, who later Watson shared with subscribers in Instagram account.

Network Discuss Photos of Emma Watson in a suit Wonder Women at a party Joan Rowling 25901_1

"Scary and sexy! All love you, Joe. Happy Birthday! Extra glasses earned Evanna for the best image of the cat, "wrote Emma, ​​who herself appeared on the celebration in a miracle women costume.

Millions of Ptterian fans could not divide this picture: "Happy birthday we congratulate the most severe woman in the universe! My congratulations Harry and Neville, we love you "," Well, ready for the marathon "Harry Potter"? "," Happy Birthday, Mama Ro "," 1000 Gryffindor and Cogtevran Points ".

Network Discuss Photos of Emma Watson in a suit Wonder Women at a party Joan Rowling 25901_2

Recall a couple of interesting facts. Joan Rowling shared with the characters of books with his characteristic features: Harry Potter and Neville Dolbupps were born with her on one day, Hermione is like a writer in youth, and her patronus of the otter is a favorite animal Joan. And Albus Dumbledore has a good taste, because, according to Rowling, he also loves lemon pherbet.

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