Emilia Clark was afraid to say the creators of the "Games of Thrones", which could die


In 2011, shortly after the end of the filming of the first season of the Games of the Thrones, Emilia Clark suffered a stroke due to the rupture of the head of the brain. The actress was literally in a step from death, but fortunately, an emergency operation and subsequent rehabilitation helped her to overcome terrible ailment. True, for a long time Clark kept this incident in secret. She first told about it only eight months ago in an interview with The New Yorker. Returning to this topic when writing a podcast Table Manners, the actress admitted that she did not tell her illness even to producers "Games of Thrones", fearing that she would deprive the roles of Deineris Targaryen.

Emilia Clark was afraid to say the creators of the

Emilia Clark was afraid to say the creators of the

I could not open them all the details of what happened until it became known that I would not die. So for three weeks I could only talk something like: "Sorry, that I did not answer your old emails. I am a little unhealthy recently ... But in general, I'm fine! " By the way, now I am completely healthy. All perfectly. I will return to work again, nothing will hurt me anymore. I feel excellent. I was very afraid that I could dismiss me for one reason or another. So I would seek alone with him. I did not know that I really really value me,

- said Clark.

It is worth adding that later, already recovering from the illness, Clark took part in creating a charitable fund to combat brain disease.

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