"Overdose" liquid is also dangerous: 7 signs that you drink too much water


However, in pursuit of such a fashionable in a healthy way of life, some forget about the classic Golden Middle Rule, consuming water in huge quantities. Sometimes it can lead to negative consequences.

Most recommendations on the daily water consumption offer us to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. Or 30-40 milliliters per 1 kg of weight. At the same time, we assure us that such liquids like tea, milk or juice are not considered water. This is not entirely true.

Important: When calculating the daily amount of water driving, it is necessary to take into account the water contained in the consumed food and fluids.

Take a simple example. 100 grams of solid milk contains 88 grams of water. Thus, drinking a glass of solid milk, you consume almost 0.9 glasses of water!

It should also be remembered that the minimum daily amount of water, the necessary organism depends on the age, the nature of the work performed, climatic conditions and other things.

Daily water consumption rate in food and liquids It is about 2.5 liters for women and about 3.5 liters for men.

This rate can be increased in difficult work, sports and so on. The rate of water consumed depends even on its salt makeup!

As you can see, it is almost impossible to calculate the amount of fluid consumed in domestic conditions. How to be? Specialists advise listening to their body. Everything is simple: it is necessary to drink if it is tortured thirst, and you should not drink a large amount of water if I don't want to do this at all. Otherwise, you risk a decrease in sodium levels in your blood to critical. This condition is called hyponatremia. Namely, sodium is just responsible for the normal level of water balance of our organism.

According to the recommendations published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine magazine, the best approach to preventing a serious reduction in sodium levels in the blood is to consume liquid only with a feeling of thirst.

How to understand that water do you consume too much? After all, it happens so that drinking water, following numerous recommendations, as a rule, read on the Internet, you have already taught yourself. Let's see which symptoms indicate a too large amount of fluid consumed.

Symptom first: swelling and swelling

Hypershydration, namely, the excess water in the body is called, it is often expressed in swelling and swelling. When cells are swelling due to hyponatremia, you are also starting to "swell". Edems appear on the face (including the lips may swollen and there are bags under the eyes) and in the limbs (more often swell legs, but sometimes swelling in their hands).

Symptom Second: Frequent urge to urination

The normal amount of urination in an adult per day is from 4 to 8. If you go to the toilet much more often, it can signal too much the amount of fluid consumed. The reason to think is also repeated night urges. In order to reduce the number of night urinss, it is recommended to stop the fluid consumption in a couple of hours to sleep. It will give your kidney the opportunity to filter fluid before you go to bed.

Symptom Three: Colorless urine

Do not believe what the lighter urine is the better. Not always. Normally urine should be transparent, light yellow. For polyuria, an increased urinary formation, it becomes almost colorless and this is a clear indicator of excessive fluid consumption.

Symptom Fourth: Nausea, Vomiting

Here, the symptoms will be similar to the symptoms of poisoning: discomfort in the stomach, nausea, up to vomiting, decrease in body temperature, weakness. The stomach and kidneys do not cope with a large amount of fluid, as a result of which such symptoms appear.

Symptom Fifth: Headaches

Oddly enough, this symptom characteristic of dehydration may also indicate both the body's hypermination. In this case, the cause of pain is the "inflating" of the brain, which begins to press the cranial box. As you know, there are no pain receptors in the head brain itself. However, they are in some areas of the head and neck. As a result of their irritation, we will feel headaches.

Fact: Water is about 60-80% of the entire mass of man. The brain is 90% consisted of water, and least of all of it in our hair, bones and skin.

You have already understood that the consequences of excessive water consumption can be the most unpleasant, up to serious health problems and even fatal consequences.

An interesting fact: in ancient times even existed torture drink. The victim poured a large amount of water that he needed to swallow to not choke. This led to water poisoning, sometimes to death.

Water is necessary for a person for the normal functioning of our livelihood, but do not forget to "listen" your body and drink fluid when you feel thirst.

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