Results 2019 according to PopcornNews: the most scandalous star


Megan Marck

Results 2019 according to PopcornNews: the most scandalous star 27978_1

One of the most scandalous celebrities in 2019, you can rightly consider the Duchess Sussekaya. In addition to the fact that relatives, among whom her father, a summary sister and even 80-year-old uncle are accused of ungrateful and detachment from the family, Megan managed to configure themselves against himself and British publications. They were divided into two camps from Harry with Harry: while the fans of the dukes and stars such as Hilary Clinton, Kim Kardashyan, Elton John and others, tried to protect and whitewash plates, others opposite condemned the decision of the royal couple to unleash the war with the tabloids. The conflicting advantages of this situation include the fact that journalists were distracted from comparisons Megan and Kate Middleton and accusations in the negative influence of Duchess at Prince Harry.

80-year-old Uncle Megan Plant accuses the "ungrateful" duchess that she does not want to see him

TV presenter Wendy Williams criticized Megan Marck: "No one will regret!"

Sloaschal: Megan Plant accused of losing Serena Williams on US Open

Miley Cyrus

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Miley long lasted in the status of Pai-Girls. Although at the beginning of the year the fans discussed them with Liam Hemsworth wedding and rumors about the pregnancy of singer, then everything returned to their circles. Cyrus began to nude for photo shoots and simply, brought the anger of the defenders of nature, after having expressed the tree from the extinction species, shocked by vocabulary for the new album, apologized for the cake in support of abortions, and after admitted that, despite the family status, Until now, the female sex is. Fans and media are not in vains closed for such statements, after all, after some time, the loud news was followed: Miley broke up with Liam, which was confirmed by photographs with the kisses of the singer with Keitlin Carter. Very quickly, Cyrus switched from her at the long-time buddy Cody Simpson, who "opened her eyes" to the fact that not all men are not evil and the star is not necessarily a radical feminist.

Miley Cyrus broke up with Liam Hemsworth and got into lenses with a new beloved

Parks doomed: Miley Cyrus criticized for a new photo session

Miley Cyrus had to respond to the LGBT community for scandalous statements

Kim Kardashian

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Kim Kardashian is no longer surprised by his presence in the ratings of the scandalous and most discussed stars. She has such a job - to attract attention. And although this year it cost without star wars and naked photo sessions, she gave enough reasons for discussions. At first, Kim assured the fans that the form of her nose changed childbirth, not plastic, then received a portion of criticism for a 5-year-old North daughter's photo session, and then surprised the public with the intention to become a lawyer. Kardashian business also had to face problems: the Japanese condemned the star for the name of the kimono's pulling linen, and Armenians expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the production of linen is in Turkey accused of the genocide of the people. It is worth noting that Kim not only won, but also pleased the network: she reunited with Paris Hilton on the shooting of the clip, tried the image of the "blonde in law", and also shared the recipe for a quick dessert.

This is not plastic, it is childbirth: Kim Kardashian commented on rumors about changing the shape of the nose

Kim Kardashian criticized the appearance of her five-year-old daughter

Genocide, Armenians and underwear: Kim Kardashian again provoked a scandal

Bella Thorne

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A peculiar breakthrough made Bella Thorn this year. In June, the former star Disney publicly ashamed of Wüpi Goldberg for the candid photos published in Twitter. The actress tried to justify that she did in response to blackmailing hackers, and then accused Goldberg at all in an insensitiousness and said that he was disappointed in the once beloved celebrity. Bell's tears were destructed some stars who supported it, and a month later, Thorn confessed to Pnesexuality. Further more: the actress took the director's place and introduced a philosophical porn film at the film festival in Germany, exploring the relationship between a woman and a man. For him, in the end, Bella received Vision Award from PornHub

Wousy Goldberg Shador Disney Bella Thorn for candid photos

When you love everything that moves: Bella Thorn confessed to pansexuality

Bella Thorn shot a film for adults, which will present at the film festival in Germany

Kate Beckinsayyl

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But with Kate Bekinsale, everything is not so simple, since she indulged on his outheads alone and mixed others. In March, a 46-year-old actress confirmed the novel with a 25-year-old comic Pit Davidson, who did not hesitate to show feelings in public and ruined the relationship after a couple of months. On Mother's Day, Kate chose a very strange gift for his mother - a giant artificial phallus, whose sharing captured in his Instagram. In the summer, Beckinsale "pleased" his daughter interrogation with the addiction: she dreamed that Lily uses drugs, and the actress decided to check whether the dream was not the dream. In addition, Kate boasted the pulled figure, admitted that she sniffs his daughter's socks, joking over his cats and not only.

Kate Beckinsale confirmed the novel with 25-year-old Pete Davidson

"Crazy!": Kate Beckinsale checked the daughter for drug use because of the things of sleep

Kate Beckinsale responded to jokes that she had a middle-aged crisis

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