Gerard Butler on Jay Leno Show


It turns out during the filming of the "Fall of Olimpa", Gerard received a serious injury, but did not even notice her: "I planted a bullet in the eye, snatched the nail, injured the knee ... I had a doctor recently and he said that in my throat something There are and sent me to MRI. After the examination, the doctor asks: "Do you know that you have a broken bone? She sticks out of the neck." I went to another doctor and it turned out that there are two bones for a bit. They are tiny, do not worry me But they were sticking out there. Doctors asked me, what I was engaged in the summer. And I answered: "I starred in the" fall of Olympus, "where I knocked out all the foolish. But I did it for the country!"

Mom actor leads the same active lifestyle as her famous son: "I recently found out that my mother was swimming on Kayak. She didn't know anything about it. She just climbed into kayak and swam on the river. It began to demolish from side side. With her there was my aunt Kathleen. This couple is a catastrophe. They tried to stop, grabbed the trees branches. " Fortunately, the help arrived on time and unlucky tourists returned home. "They both are not like bilches. Rather, on Sumo fighters."

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