Love without borders: Fans almost crocked Ryan Reynolds


About the insane fan love Ryan told in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. It turned out that the actor in the past weekend survived not the most pleasant moment in life. Reynolds visited the Comic-Con Experience festival in Brazil, and a meeting with fans was organized at the event. When he came out to greet the fans after showing the film "Free Guy", the crowd was so delighted with his appearance that she had fallen a fence, and the fans began to fall directly to the actor. Fortunately, the reaction did not lend Ryan, and he managed to jump onto the fence on top, so everything was without injury.

Love without borders: Fans almost crocked Ryan Reynolds 28107_1

Love without borders: Fans almost crocked Ryan Reynolds 28107_2

Love without borders: Fans almost crocked Ryan Reynolds 28107_3

According to Reynolds, the situation looked a little worse than it was in fact.

All I was worried about, it's about people who were there. What can you say when everyone falls?

- Shared his experiences Ryan. According to the result, all the actor fans also remained intate and unharmed.

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Reynolds noted that before leaving on the Comic-Con, his wife Blake Lavli asked the spouse to carefully follow their safety.

She asked me to return home whole and unharmed. It was my only task

- Shared Ryan.

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