Niall Horan still answered rumors about the novel with Selena Gomez: "Do I have a girl?"


The ex-soloist of the One Direction group on Tuesday was interviewed on the Australian radio station. Of course, the presenter could not not ask him the question of whether Gomez really can be called a girlfriend Nayla.

Do I have a girlfriend?

He asked in response. It seemed that Horan had such a good chance to continue to keep silence and once again to warm rumors about the novel, but he decided to be honest.

No, I don't have it,

- admitted Niall. According to the musician, fans can be sure that now he is exactly alone.

No matter if I meet with someone, or it's just my friend, the media will still attribute to me a relationship. It is very annoying, is it not true? You can't even be friends with a woman,

- he added.

Of course, the words of Choran contradict a few actions, because his attitude towards Gomez has looked very ambiguous lately. At first he spent in her company, then the singer herself published a song Nayla, calling for subscribers to evaluate the creativity of the musician. He even photographed with a poster of Selena, but Gomez assured that there could be no relationship between them.

Niall Horan still answered rumors about the novel with Selena Gomez:

Niall Horan still answered rumors about the novel with Selena Gomez:

Niall Horan still answered rumors about the novel with Selena Gomez:

While insiders try to convince everyone that Niall and Selena meet, the artists themselves continue to argue that they are just friends. Musicians are focused on their career, so personal life has moved to the background.

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