Scarlett Johansson admitted that it was the "iron man" prompted her to become a black widow


In the latest interview, the magazine Vanity Fair Scarlett Johansson said that the film "Iron Man" (2008), which began the beginning of the filmmatic Universe Marvel, so it was impressed that later she would readily accepted the proposal to play black widow.

The actress shared that at that time she was not a fan of superhero paintings, but the film with Robert Downey Jr. pushed her to reconsider his attitude to this genre:

I really liked this movie. Before that, I did not have anything like that. To confess, I was not such an amateur of all these superhero stories and this genre, but Iron Man seemed to me breakthrough. So I had a desire to work with MARVEL. I thought it was an excellent project.

Scarlett Johansson admitted that it was the

However, Johansson did not immediately manage to get the desired role. Initially, the Black Widow, which first appears in the Iron Man 2 (2010), was supposed to execute Emily Blunt, but later she was forced to refuse to participate in the film, after which the role was given to Johansson. According to the actress, she was not embarrassed that she was only a backup option, since participation in the film marvel was still a great joy for her.

Scarlett Johansson admitted that it was the

Recall that next year the black widow will receive its first solo film. Johansson hopes that her new picture will be able to please fans of both bright scenes and deep penetration into the psychology of her heroine. In Russia, the premiere of "Black Widow" will be held on April 30, 2020.

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