An impressive: the creators of the "Games of the Thrones" showed how the king of the night should look like


Despite the fact that the series came to an end, interest in it is still preserved to this day. Thus, on the website of the magazine Vanity Fair, fragments from the book "Art of Game of Thrones" ("Art" Games of Thrones ""), which were the leading authors of which the artist-director of the series Deborah Riley, as well as the writer Jody Renevson. Based on the materials provided, it turned out that the original concept of the King of the night was significantly different from the image, which eventually appeared on the screen.

An impressive: the creators of the

Initially, the leader of white walkers was conceived as a certain rising from the dead monarch, dressed in gloomy, but richly crushed clothes. Apparently, in the appropriate illustration, the moment is depicted from the fourth season: having received the newborn son of Krantier at his disposal, the king of the night with one movement turned the child to one of his handicrafts. Interestingly, the king of the night is one of those characters that were designed specifically for the series, because in the fantasy cycle of George R.R. Martin is absent.

An impressive: the creators of the

Being the first of the White Walkers, he had to become their leader. We needed to show that he possesses power and power. In this regard, we discussed the option in which its crown will be a single whole with his head - something that looked organically and would be it an integral attribute. Since white walkers are made in cold and ice colors, it was logical to appeal to sharp and angular forms that will be slightly transparent, thereby passing the low temperature of its flesh,

- told the designer Barry Gower, who developed the appearance of the king of the night.

An impressive: the creators of the

An impressive: the creators of the

An impressive: the creators of the

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