Did not meet expectations: "flying through the night" from the creator of the "Game of Thrones" closed after the first season


The closure of "flying through the night" has become a big blow for Syfy. The channel has invested a lot of money and time and planned to develop the plot for several seasons. The Syfy management attacked the Netflix stream service to cooperate and even received financial support from the government of Ireland. However, the most expensive drama series of the cable network showed too low ratings to give the second season the green light. Neither the first nor the latest episodes could collect more than 700 thousand spectators from the screens. For a comparison, criticized by all the "enchanted" remake managed to attract the attention of more than a million viewers.

"Flying through the night" is a story about a group of researchers who go to the edge of the solar system, from where they received a signal from an unknown spacecraft. People believe that they will be able to discover the alien form of life and with its help to find a way to save humanity from the global cataclysm. However, as a result, faced with the dangers that will cost them their lives.

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