Sarah Jessica Parker returned to the image of Carrie Bradshow in the new Advertising Fendi


The 53-year-old actress appeared in the image of Carrie Bradshow in the commercial roller of the FENDI Baguette. In this short video, sending spectators to one of the episodes of "sex in a big city", 4 girlfriends in despair are looking for a famous branded bag, they run through New York, as long as the consultant does not inform them that one lady just her Bought. Then the girls are running for a mysterious stranger, which is Carry. They scream to her: "Maam, we need this bag!", And Parker is gracefully turns and answers: "This is not a bag, it is Baguette." The new advertising campaign is devoted to the "restart" of the already cult bag from Fendi.

Recall that the fans of "sex in the big city" theoretically still have a chance to see the third full-length film, but its creators faced a mass of problems, including the unwillingness of Kim Catherol again to play Samantha. Sarah Jessica Parker, on the contrary, dreams again to be "in shoes" Carrie Bradschow and is ready for any turns of the plot - including and to portray the widow, mourning the death of Mr. Big.

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