"You can take offense": Rosa Xiabitov against the Son to take the bride with children


Rosa Syabitova is always divided with his fans interesting observations and historical certificates about how in the old people people married and lived together. So, the other day she decided to talk about women with children from past relationships. Teleswa led as an example, as they did with such ladies in antiquity. It turns out that the girls in the ancient Slavs had much more privileges compared to the women of the East or Greek. "They lived under the protection of the fathers, they walked free life and to marriage could have lovers and give birth to children," said celebrity.

She also reported that the men at that time preferred women with children, because they knew that those would be able to give birth to children. And they were not interested in the fact as their relationship with the first child of the spouse. Xiabitova also told about the fate of married women of that time. "Married woman lost all maiden privileges and completely turned out to be in power a husband, and if he died, the widow could live to burn in a funeral fire or buried in the grave alive," the leading program "Let's get married".

Telesvach shared his opinion on the current relationship between men and women already having children. According to Xiabitite, modern young people operate according to the principle: there is no child - no problem. "It is better to give birth to your and educate as he considers it necessary," Rosa said. And asked by subscribers with children, whether they have any ways to solve this problem.

At the same time, Syabitova noted that it divides the position of men as the mother of his son. She would not want her heir to led a woman with a child. "You can be offended at me, but as a mother's mother I think that such a position is correct, and I have one son," said Teediva.

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