"Relative Joseph Stalin?": Maria Maksakova declassified DNA test results


The 43-year-old Opera singer Maria Maksakov was concerned about the issue of possible relationship with Joseph Stalin. Among her loved ones, there is a legend that the Soviet leader could relate to the family of the star. Grandmother of Artist Mary Maksakova, who was a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, chose to hide his personal life, but her granddaughter still wanted to get to the truth.

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"I have the right to know who my grandfather is," Maksakova is convinced.

For this, it passed the DNA test, the results of which were voiced in the program "Let them say" on the first channel. The analyzes of the singers are compared with those who have taken from the great-grandfather of the political figure Selim Benzaada. During the study, it turned out that their relationship is less than 60%. Maria did not stop at this, deciding to make a test on the origin of her ancestors. It turned out that she has relatives who lived in Eastern Europe and Poland, there are also Ukrainian and Finnish genes in her blood.

"The analysis did not show the presence of Georgian blood. Obviously, I can't be a relative of Stalin, "the artist concluded.

The star does not exclude that the director Fedor Todorovsky could have involvement in her family, who worked with her grandmother in the theater.

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