Hugh Laurie will give an additional concert in Moscow


June 26 in Magic Center (Sokolniki, Pavilion No. 3) Hugh Laurie will give a second, an additional, solo concert, which will perform songs from his debut blusucid plate "Let Them Talk", which was ideally noted in the charts of the Billboard magazine.

"Laurie fans wrote to us through social networks, asked for another day and another concert," says the general producer of the promotional company Euro Entertainment Ildar Baquakeev. - We knew that Hugh Lori is popular in Russia, but there was no such excitement and revocation of the audience for a long time! "

Hugh Laurie's world recognition was achieved thanks to the role of Gegorical Misanthroprina Dr. Gregory House in Dr. House television series. The role not only brought him two gold globes, but also made it one of the most popular telecasters in the world. And his Music career Laurie began several years ago in the Band From TV group, created by famous actors, where he performed as a pianist, although in addition to this instrument, he also owns a laptop harmonica, saxophone and guitar.

Today Hugh - and actor, director, and writer, and singer. In 2007, the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II complained to actor the title of Officer of the Order of the British Empire, in 2011 the magazine "GQ France" awarded Hugh Laori title of the International Star of the Year, and in the Guinness Book of Records, it was noted as an actor attracting the largest audience to the TV screens.

Start: 20.00

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