Aglaya Tarasova told about the novel with Milose Chekovich: "The Serb was fun"


The popular actress Aglaya Tarasova gave an interview with Womanhit, which revealed some details of his personal life. Star told about their novel with the Serbian actor Milos Chekovich.

So, remembering a two-year relationship with a colleague, Tarasova noticed: "Soon it was fun. My humor and I have treated our cultural differences, but he still spoke in Russian, although sometimes the meaning of the words ".

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Then the artist admitted that it doesn't matter for it, what nationality will its chosen one, since it is much more important that it is good, funny and interesting.

In addition, Aglaya noted that her recent relationships were also with a person who does not know the Russian language. According to the artist, so even more interesting, because they are with the chosen one, "they spoke less than any nonsense, because of which people quarrel." Thanks to this, as Star emphasized, that novel was calmer and adults.

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Note that now, according to the confidence of the celebrity, her heart is again inconsporated. True, to disclose the personality of the beloved Tarasov did not, noticing only that he was also a person from the creative environment.

Recall that the greatest fame of Aglaya Tarasov acquired after he starred in the TV series "Interns". By the way, during work on this project, she had feelings for a partner in the shooting area - the actor Ilya Mlinnikov. Lovers met for about two years, and then broke up.

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