Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire almost got into the "Spider Man: Through the Universes"


Over the past two dozen years, the Spiderman has received many different incarnations in the Big Cinema. Perhaps, the animation film "Spiderman: Through the Universes" was the most unusual film in this row, in which the capital hero was not usual Peter Parker, and the guy named Miles Morales. This character, voiced by Shameik Murom, immediately won the love of the public, although "veterans" in the face of Toby Maguyra, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland, too, remain in the hearts of the audience. Fans have long dreamed for different versions of a spider person once appeared in one film, and it turns out that such a crossover was close to the implementation.

Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire almost got into the

As the producer Christopher Miller, Maguire, Garfield and Holland told Cameo in the scene after the titles to the "Spider Man: Through the Universes." It's funny that the fourth member of this "spray" team was to become a pig spider, voiced by comic John Maleney. When Miller was asked to Twitter, did Holland have chances to appear in "through the universes", he replied:

We offered Sony an ambitious idea to bring together a pig-spider, Toby, Andrew and Tom, but the studio managers seemed to be "too early" to make such a move.

The phrase "too early" implies that someday the long-awaited crossover of spiders will finally take place. Recall that, as soon as circumstances, Marvel Studios will begin shooting the third solo film about a spider man within the framework of the film marvel. In parallel, the development of the Sicvel "Man-Spider: Through the Universes", whose world premiere is scheduled for October 7, 2022.

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