Hearing of the day: Tom Cruise can play alternative Tony Stark in "Dr. Strendge 2"


Any Marvel fan knows that the film began its countdown from the film John Favro "Iron Man", the main role in which Robert Downey Jr. was played. The tape became one of the most important blockbusters of world cinema and served as a starting platform for what quickly became the most profitable and popular franchise that Hollywood had ever seen.

Now, it would seem that the story of Tony Stark was over, because he was at the cost of his own life, the world was saved in the "Avengers: Final", but the conversations about his return went almost immediately after the ribbon is released. Whether the fans will be brought once again in this role Dauni Jr., it is unknown, but it is quite possible that the audience is waiting for a meeting with another version of the character.

On the eve of the network, hearing was held, as if Kevin Faigi considers "Dr. Strange: in multi-density madness" as an ideal opportunity to refresh the film Marvel and attract a new actor who will play a brilliant billionaire. Of course, we are talking about an alternative version of the hero and other timeline.

According to Daniel Richrtman, Marvel wants Tom Cruise to play Tony Stark from Multivalenny, and this would definitely closed Gestalt, because the franchise star "Mission: Impossible" almost got the role of an iron man back in 1998. Richtman argues that the studio "develops a number of interesting episodes for Strange to present different versions of the characters known to us." One of the examples that insider brought is exactly the Cruise in the role of Tony Stark on the other land.

Of course, the rumor may not be confirmed, but in general, if Tom Cruise becomes an alternative iron man, the alternation is not bad. Plus, you should not forget that this in any case will be only an episodic role.

Now it remains only to wait for news from Marvel and the actor himself - they will probably not wait to wait. The premiere of "Dr. Strange: in the multi-dealer madness" is scheduled for spring 2022.

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