Chris Evans told how he first watched "Avengers: Final"


Fresh release of Empire magazine is dedicated to the greatest moments in the history of cinema, and blockbuster Marvel Studios "Avengers: Final", completed the 11-year-old plot line of the cinematic universe. As accompaniment, the publication led a rather touching comment by Chris Evans, in which he spoke about his first watching of Kinokomix Rousseau brothers:

"For the first time I looked at the final only at the premiere. Often I watch movies, where I personally remove, in advance and very rarely wait until the release. Just there everything is too messy. But it was the last chapter of a ten-year history, so I wanted to enjoy it as a regular viewer. After the CEP raised Mielnir, in our cinema everything was mad instantly. For obvious reasons, I was aware of the presence of this moment, but still experienced an indescribable delight. Over the next week, friends and relatives sent me video from cinemas around the world, where people literally went crazy because of this. Seeing such a reaction and realizing that I was lucky to become part of the memories of these people, I experienced an incredible pride in combination with gratitude, which I can never truly express. At such moments I am not an actor and not even an adult man - I am a boy again, fully fascinated by the strength and magic of movies. Even comes to the throat ... "

It was previously assumed that after the "final", Evans would no longer return to the image of the Captain of America, but if you believe the information of the authoritative media, the studio plans to use the performer at least in one project of the filmsened Marvel.

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