Mustache Henry Caville inspired the creators of "Mission Impossible" for charity


The Movember Charitable Foundation appeared in 2004, when a group of Australians stopped shaving during November to attract public attention to the problems of physical and psychological health of men. The spontaneous action has become a global movement and led to the founding of a full-fledged organization.

It was in her Foundation that the studio Paramount listed money and reported on this on the official page on Twitter. "In memory of the Royal Ussa Henry Caville in" Mission Impossible: The Consequences "@paramountmovies made a donation to the Movember Foundation to support their Men's Health Initiative. Sacrifice today on the website

Mustache Cavils cost another studio, Warner Bros. The contract with Paramount banned the actor to steal them, so the creators of the "League of Justice" had to spend several million dollars on special effects that did not save the situation and gave rise to many jokes on the network. At the moment, Henry Cavill is occupied on the set of the TV series "Witcher" from the Netflix Stregnation Platform.


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