From the vibrator to the stroller: that Gwyneth Paltrow offers to give mothers


The star of the film "Iron Man" Gwyneth Paltrow recently amounted to a list of gifts, which would be glad any mother. A few weeks later in America will celebrate the mother's day. The Hollywood Star decided to facilitate the users of the Network of the Gift Choice for their Moms. The list of Gwyneth is very diverse.

The 48-year-old actress decided to choose the eight most successful presents. So, according to Gwyneth Paltrow, the first in the list of welcome gifts should be a necklace with a vibrator. The actress noted that this is a "dizzying gift for a woman who told you about intimate relationships." In second place - expensive stroller.

In addition, the list of expensive gifts for the mother's day was entered with hand-embroidered hat with the exact position of stars, planets and the moon at the moment when your baby was born, worth 2.5 thousand dollars, a spa procedure rate at a luxurious center for 150 thousand dollars and Vintage bar trolley for 40 thousand.

However, Gwyneth offered more budget gifts: seat for the bidet, clock and branded hairpin.

The actress itself is also a mother. She brings up two children: the 16-year-old daughter Apple Blytte and the 14-year-old Son of the Bruce Mossek, whom the actress gave birth to the musician Chris Martin. Spouses lived in marriage for ten years, after which they divorced.

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