Directors "Harry Potter" called their favorite scenes from Ptteriana

First look at the big hall and the secret room.

Chris Columbus, the director of the first two parts of the series, said that the most beloved and painstaking work of his team - shooting scenes dating with the magical world of Hogwarts. "We created magic without computer graphics: hundreds of candles were attached to the ceiling, built real scenery for the secret room, chose unusual angles for filming and performed excellent work."

Disassembly in a squeezing hut.

Alfonso Quaron chose this scene in many respects due to the fact that several talented actors immediately gathered in one place for one scene. "I had the opportunity to work immediately with the younger and older generation of actors: Oldman, Tuelis, Spoll and Rickman played incredibly convincingly."

Tournament of three wizards: water test.

Producer David Himan noted the scene in the lake as one of the most difficult but interesting for implementation. According to him, the actors were filmed in the pavilion, where they were suspended to create an illusion of weightlessness and blew on them with fans so that the hair was believable, as in the water.

Over the past few films, the director David Yeats was answered, who ranked the battle with a devenist in the London subway in the fifth film, farewell to the dead Dumbledore in the sixth, reincarnation of the Order of the Phoenix in Harry with the help of a revolving potion in the "death gifts" and a farewell scene with Harry, Ron and Hermione on the destroyed Bridge of Hogwarts.

"Here they and the audience said goodbye to their extraordinary travel and childhood."

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