The director "Logan" explained why not afraid to kill Wolverine


Going to Logan, many fans of the franchise "X-people" fans knew that this film would be the last for Hugh Jackman in the image of Wolverine. Nevertheless, not everyone was ready to make the emotional American slings that the screenwriter and director "Logan" prepared by James Mangold for them. The death of the capital hero was the end of this breathtaking trip, which became simultaneously deceived, and the excess of visual expectations.

The director

Commenting on the death of Wolverine, Mangold in an interview with ComicBook said:

In this process, fewer people are involved than might think. At first there were only me and Hugh [Jackman]. Since this film was thinking as the last for him, it seemed logical that he would either go into the sunset, or would die. It was required to come up with a certain curtain for this story. This is a logical premise, right? Either we will have the finals in the style of "Shane" when the hero goes to unknown mountains gave, or you need to kill it. The first option was used in all previous films about Wolverine, but this time a different decision suggested itself. There was a feeling of the end that it was necessary to embody on the screen, bringing a line under the perennial heritage Hugh in this role.

The director

Mangold also said that Fox Studio without hesitation agreed with the decision to kill Wolverine in the end of Logan. According to the director, everyone perceived such an outcome as an inevitable, but natural, because it was the completion of a long legend.

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