Holly Berry had to be explained because of a funny video with a six-year-old son on heels


The other day Holly Berry shared in Instagram funny video with her son Masseo. In the video, the boy is in house in the mother's white boots on the hairpin and tries to climb the stairs.

12th day of quarantine,

- signed the publication of the actress.

#Quarantine Day 12 ?

Публикация от Halle Berry (@halleberry)

However, some users of Berry caused suspicion. It is no secret that many Western celebrities adhere to education policies without gender stereotypes. Especially violent reaction causes star sons, dressed in skirts and dresses. Holly's subscribers are experiencing that with its children the same situation. "She has a better lifetime," she wrote someone from users. What Holly answered:

Actually it is he. And he just entertains. Laughter is very helpful now!

Holly Berry had to be explained because of a funny video with a six-year-old son on heels 54030_1

Under a different such message - "Is this a daughter or son? I hope daughter "- a whole chain of comments formed. The actress answered everyone immediately:

This is innocuous entertainment. We just try to survive. Do you understand me?

But many fans understood humor and laughed with Holly: "Mood: Dressed up, and nowhere to go", "he walks on heels better than me!", "After that, the video wanted to smile. Still, children are so wonderful. "

Holly Berry had to be explained because of a funny video with a six-year-old son on heels 54030_2

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