From Hugh Jackman to Jim Kerry: who could play Jack Sparrow in the "Pirates of the Caribbean"


Captain Jack Sparrow is considered to be one of the most famous characters of modern cinema, and his image for the audience is inextricably linked with Johnny Depp. Funny pirate became the face of the franchise in many respects thanks to the unique game of the actor, and now it is even difficult to imagine that this role could get someone else. But, as it turned out, candidates were abuse.

From Hugh Jackman to Jim Kerry: who could play Jack Sparrow in the

Many famous actors were considered by the creators of the film for the role of Jack Sparrow, but each time there were obstacles that prevented them from occupying the main place in the adventure franchise. Let's start with the fact that Stewart Bitty initially created an image of a character, based on Hugh Jackman, so even the name of the glorious captain - tribute to the actor. But Disney did not consider Jackman a worthy option, referring to the fact that he was not known enough.

From Hugh Jackman to Jim Kerry: who could play Jack Sparrow in the


Then it was decided to offer the role of Matthew McConaja and Jim Kerry. With the first card immediately did not work out, but Jim, maybe I would not mind to try on a pirate costume, but I had to refuse because of the contradictions in the shooting schedules, because at that time he worked on Bruce Almighty.

From Hugh Jackman to Jim Kerry: who could play Jack Sparrow in the

Other actors who could get a legendary role were Michael Kiton ("Spiderman: Return home"), Christopher Uken ("Criminal Chivo") and Cary Elvis ("Saw"). But Robert de Niro became the biggest surprise in the casting process. He refused from role, because he decided that the film did not see the film, and then bite elbows. To somehow join the pirate world, he even later played Captain Shakespeare in "Star dust", but it was, of course, not at all.

From Hugh Jackman to Jim Kerry: who could play Jack Sparrow in the

Yes, perhaps someone from these actors and could imagine a completely special Jack Sparrow, and yet fans consider Johnny inimitable by the author of the image of the Lich Captain. And, of course, the audiences hope to see it in the continuation of the "Pirates of the Caribbean".

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