Orlando Bloom wants the first word of his daughter "dad"


Recently, Orlando Bloom became a guest of Shame Norton's show, where he told a little about his father's achievements. The actor dreams that the first word of his 6-month daughter Daisy Daisy has become "dad", and, according to Bloom, he has already heard something similar from it.

To teach her daughter, Orlando sings her songs, where it necessarily uses the word "daddy". "I want her to say" daddy "before anything else. I sing to her different songs where you can use this word, "the actor said. To which another companion of the show joked: "And she thinks at the same time:" Let's give better Katy Perry. " Bloom replied: "Yes, she probably thinks that her mother sings much better. But she has already uttered something like "dad". And she always rejoices when he sees me. "

Earlier, Orlando boasted his ability to calm her daughter with singing: "When Katie was pregnant, I sang a child Buddhist mantra, which I know from 16 years. And now, when I enter into the room, the baby hears my voice and immediately calms down. And when I walk with her, I spoil her ear, she likes, she reacts very well. And Katie does not understand what I do, as if I am a caster caster. So I like my father picking glasses. "

Orlando and his bride Katie Perry became parents in August. According to insider, the couple copes perfectly, combining parental duties and careers. "Katie and Orlando is a fantastic relationship, and they enjoy a new life as a parent. They find time for the baby Daisy, and for their work, their views are converging in this matter. But daughter, of course, their main priority is now. They keep the balance perfectly, "the source noted.

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