16 Clips about school


1. It was impossible to start this list otherwise. Nirvana. . Cultural Rock Group 90s and its frontman Kurt Cobain They had a huge impact on their generation. The legend says that Kurt hoped by the clip show the rebellious and impairing perfume of adolescents. Well, the idea succeeded. Invited statists began to be brought before the director's otmashka. In the heat of dancing and fun, they almost flooded the musicians themselves. Is it worth saying that in 1992 the clip had a mad success and grabbed the MTV premium as the best alternative video.

2. Continue to remember the heroes of the past. Group Ramones. At one time was on advanced punk rock. Now their rebellious pranks from the Rock & Roll High School clip can hardly be calculated by daring. But under this clockwork melody to collect a backpack to school in the morning will become more fun.

3. But the group Van Halen. really broke into the walls of the school. Guitar solo on the desk, a famously empty union teacher, insane hairstyles, wild dances and no prohibitions.

4. It seems that the musicians are just doing what they are struggling with the system. And the personification of this very system itself is often the secondary school. "We do not need education. We do not want you to control our thoughts. Enough sarcasm in class. Hey, teacher, leave these children alone!" - Requires a group Pink Floyd. In his famous Hit Another Brick in the Wall.

5. From the classic of rock to the classics of pop music. Could not do without a clip Britney Spears Baby One More Time! Very young and touching Britney to all scandals, marriages and siblished hair danced in school uniform, singing: "When I'm not with you, I lose weight. Feed me a sign! Make me, baby, another time." Remember and sing.

6. Now young girls can not look at their idiots from One Direction, and 20 years ago, the world of Boys-Benda rules ruled Backstreet Boys, N Sync and Five. . We will focus on the latter, because in their hut song EVERYBODY GET UP distinctly heard the melody of the composition I Love Rock N Roll from the group Arrows. . Many will also remember this motive performed by Britney Spears.

7. A little bit under the song Mad World performed Gary Jules . The composition has become the main theme of the film "Donnie Darco" with Jake Jillenhol . And in the song, and in the picture, the hero wants to be heard, but his teacher (and the whole world as a whole) do not want to take anything going beyond the partitions. In the original, the composition performs the British group Tears for fears . Do not forget to listen to them later.

8. Another hymn of rogue in the execution of the group Linkin Park. . Creative, but the heroine does not play incomprehensible peers Briana Evigan . This actress later appeared in the image of the rebellion of the world of dancing in the film "Step forward 2: Streets."

9. School dances, discos and graduation for everyone remained the brightest impressions of adolescence. Group fall out Boy Provided an excellent dance hit for schoolchildren in which energy and boils. It's hard not to bounce under the song Dance, Dance, isn't it?

10. Oh, slow dances. Sarah Connor At one time provided graduates with an excellent accompaniment for farewell "Medents". Well, in the clip of the singer, the real dramatic story of love is unfolding. And what song are you swinging in dance with a pretty classmate?

12. A group Outkast. He remembered that talent contests also come in schools. And there many guys hope from the scene to conquer the heart of the girls you like. It was impossible not to add a little hip-hop to the list.

13. Pink I began to climb to the top of the musical glory of the rebar, rearing against the artificial blondes of chirliters and the right girls. "I'm tired of a comparison with the damn Britney Spears! She is very pretty, but I'm just not like that," - sings about the sore star.

14. We will not deprive the group Lordi. . Obviously, Finnish monsters also have the right to their school experience. Well, who does not like zombie fans among the old good languages ​​of the flame in the school gym?

fifteen. Taylor Swift And Justin Biber is now the main suppliers of soundtracks for school weekdays American teenagers. We will choose your choice for Taylor, because her Belong with Me video literally represents a short version of a typical film about youthful love.

sixteen. Miley Cyrus Fights with his Disney past and Might and main demonstrates these with candid outfits and bold texts. Not that remember the school walls of Hanna Montana, not at all ...

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