"Religent Genetic Jackpot": 60-year-old Mom Alena Vodonaeva caused a rapid discussion on the network


One of the most successful participants of the Dom-2 project Alena Vodonaeva placed a short video in which Larisa Valentinovna appeared in the company of his mother. Fans were amazed at how 59-year-old woman looks gorgeous, and noted that the TV host literally won the Genetic Jackpot.

Alena and her parents appeared in absolutely identical outfits. They put red high-heeled shoes, leather lacing pants, black sweatshirts, protective masks and sunglasses. Mom and daughter walked around the beauty salon.

"My mother's legs are the best leather trouser advertising," signed Vodonaeva video.

Video in less than 370 thousand people looked in less than a day. Subscribers Alena admitted that they did not even immediately understand where in the frame of Alena, and where Larisa Valentinovna. Some, apologizing to the TV presenter, came to the conclusion that her legs were even more beautiful. "I am delighted with both of you, but my mother is fire!", "So that I look like 50", "Genes", "Wow! Mom - what kind of beauty! ", - Commented on Folloviers.

It is known that Vodonaeva is very reverent about his family. She tries to meet her mother at any free time. Together with her Alena sometimes visits the cosmetologist. Larisa Valentinovna never stopped monitoring himself, paying special attention to the right nutrition and sports activities. Looking at the figure of a woman, it is hard to imagine that she is almost 60 years old.

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