Razin deserved the deserved artists in escort: "Dawned 10,000 overnight


Popular at the end of the last century, the musical producer Andrei Razin has long moved away from affairs. Currently, 57-year-old differences are engaged in projects in the field of business, politics and sports. But this does not interfere with the showman with nostalgia to remember his stormy past and willingly share memories about the musical part of the late 90s. However, these memories are not always flattering for eyewitnesses of those events.

The other day, the producer made a loud statement on Russian pop performers. In an interview with the publication "Moscow Komsomolets", Razin explained that, in addition to profits for concert activities, the organizers often made business on escort services. The girls not only sang on stage, but also spent the night with men, receiving decent money for it. According to the producer who want to get into the show-business was a lot, the soloist was gained mainly from the regions. At the same time, the vocal data practically did not matter - the main thing is that the applicant has a pretty appearance.

"It did not matter. The soloist could easily sing. And such girls went on stage in brilliant costumes and did everything to notice her bosses. For example, the concert of the group cost 5,000 rubles, and for the girl and night they were given 10,000, "the revealing declaration was made and stated that escort services brought concert organizers the bulk of the arrived from tour. The former soloist of the popular group assured journalists that there were many modern deserved artists among the former Eskhodtnitsi, but did not specify their names.

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