As twins: 10 actors who are so similar that they could play each other in movies


In this article we collected 10 actors who are so similar that each other could play in the cinema.

1. Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg

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These two famous Hollywood actors are definitely rather similar to each other. Both are similar hairstyle, they have a similar type of face, and the difference in the age of just one year. You can make sure of their similarity, looking at the Detective Drama of 2006 "Apostates". The actors themselves do not deny their resemblance and sometimes some joke complain that the fans are confused. True, now, when Matt Damon began to wear glasses, it became much easier to distinguish them.

2. Natalie Portman and Kira Knightley

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The actresses are so similar that many of them are even confused. And sometimes the assumptions are put forward that they are related to relatives. But it is not. Natalie is an American of Israeli descent, and Kira is an Englishwoman. Natalie a little older, she was 38 years old, and Cyre this year turned 34 years. Natalie growth 160 cm, Kira is 10 cm higher than it. And Natalie became famous for being an active public figure, convinced vegetarian and the defender of animal rights.

3. Teresa Palmer and Kristen Stewart

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When both were long-haired blondes, they could easily be taken for sisters. Now, when the star of the Pentaloga "Twilight" Kristen Stewart became brown, the similarity is not so obvious, but it still is, just to see a languid look of young actresses.

4. Jeffrey Din Morgan and Javier Bardem

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Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Javier Bardem are so similar to each other that many people do any people consider them relatives, or just confused, taking over the same person. Despite the fact that the actors are not relatives, they are different ages and from different countries, they are nevertheless really similar to each other, like twins. Unfortunately, Jeffrey and Javier have never been filmed in one film - perhaps because no director could distinguish them.

5. Zak Efron and Kevin Zhegers

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People just recently began to march, as incredibly similar to each other these two young actors. And not for reason - with the same hairstyle, they will be able to give themselves to the brothers without any difficulty.

6. Katy Perry and Zoei Deschanel

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Some time ago, Katy Perry decided to drastically change its appearance. But if you return for several years in the past, when Katie was a long-haired brunette, then it could be confused with the main heroine of the series "New", actress Zone Deschanel.

7. Jessica Chestain and Bryce Dallas Howard

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They have similar features of the face, add a bright hair color to this - and as a result, the actress can be easily confused. Jessica and Bryce crossed on the set of the film "Seduir", however, for the role of Jessica, the blonde was transformed into a blonde, and therefore the similarity of the actress in the film did not like the eye.

8. Josh Holoway and Nikolai Bonfire Waldau

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The actors have some similarity, and with similar hairstyles and with vegetation on the face, some fans are confused at all. At the same time, the actors of almost one age, growth and physique.

9. Emma Watson and Kinno Shipka

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Their similarity is not visible immediately, but the tick fans have long noticed that if the photos of the actresses put next to each other, then their identical eyebrows, cheekbones and smiles rushing into the eyes. In addition, both actresses have become famous, playing the role of young witches on large screens.

10. Margo Robbie and Jamie Presley

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Well, the most remarkable resemblance in our selection. How similar these two actresses are simply amazing. Despite the fact that they wear very similar hairstyles and the same hair color, it is obvious that even without them actresses look not just like sisters, but as the most real twins. It has long been the subject of discussion on the Internet, however, neither Margo nor Jamie never commented on this phenomenon. Who knows maybe these two and truth secret relatives.

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