Escape from the Palace Megan Plant and Prince Harry will turn into a film


Prince Harry and Megan Oplan got married only three years ago, but the period of their marriage turned out to be so rich in the events that two films had already come about him. TV channel Lifetime will release the third series about the life of the family called "Harry and Megan: Escape from the Palace." Previously, films "Harry and Megan: Royal Roman" and "Harry and Megan: as part of the Royal Family".

According to the plot, "Escape from the Palace" will tell about what actually happened in the palace. The film will reveal the reasons that Harry and Megan leave the royal family to build their own and her son Archie. A special emphasis will be made on the emotions of Marcle after she was not supported in the royal palace, as well as on the fear of the Duke of Susseksky, about the fact that his spouse will repeat the fate of his mother, Princess Diana. The premiere is pre-assigned to autumn 2021.

This news appeared a year after Lifetime announced the development of a third film, which was supposed to tell about the decision of the pair to abandon the royal duties, about the first year of Archie's life and their move to California. After that, many changes have happened in the life of the spouses, including the scandalous interview with Opro Winfrey. Executive producers of the film will perform Merida Finn and Michelle Weiss. The director Menhaj Huda will work according to Scarlett Lacy scenario.

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