"2 years old with my husband do not live": Anastasia Stotskaya announced a divorce


Recently, the popular singer Anastasia Stotskaya became the participant of the Ether of the Russian Radio, where he said that her marriage with the restaurant Sergey Abgaryan broke up. As you know, their wedding took place in 2010.

"The fact is that for more than two years we do not live with my husband, it happened. It happens that people diverge, and I am very glad that we went to good relationships, "the artist noticed.

Anastasia also stressed that she did not want to talk about what happened, but now, when enough time she passed, she can do it.

According to the star, Sergey after parting with it continues to actively participate in the life of their common children: nine-year-old Alexander and a three-year-old faith. For example, he spends with his heirs all the weekend or holidays, and also takes the Son to Chess and Training in Football.

"I have only good memories of this person, and this is the fruit of great love, definitely," said Stotskaya, once again noting that they with an ex-spouse support friendly communication for their children.

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