"Your waist is ideal": Nyusha's followers appreciated her figure in bikini


Nyusha began to think about the problems of ecology, according to her, two years ago, when she gave birth to a daughter Simba. She even received the status of the first ecoambassador of the socio-ecological project "Color" and is now studying the subtleties of separate waste collection, visits processors, participates in environmental events and carries information to the masses.

And even when she advises their subscribers - movie lovers, what they should watch movies, then orients them on the topic of ecology. Nyusha recently recommended fans of several paintings that they should see, because these films are talking about how the garbage has become over the past 150 years, who suffers from these transformations, as recycling recycling and how much the wildlife has changed.

The singer illustrated his post: she posed in the doorway of the resort's doors against the background of the veranda, which was opened by views of the sea coast. By the way, there was no garbage surrounded by Nyushi. On the contrary, the picture made the impression of a very artistic, and the figure of the singer in a bikini in the photo looked so seductively that some of her subscribers admitted: they absolutely do not worry films on the environmental theme, because it is impossible to tear away from the image of the singer.

"Beautiful kind", "Your waist is ideal", "Gorgeous figure," - marks the fans of the artist.

Maybe after Nyushi fans will cope with their emotions, they will still pay attention to those films that she recommends them for viewing to attract the public attention to the problems of ecology.

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