Matthew Perry in the new show "Mr. Sunshine" on the ABC channel


About the TV series: Everyone sometimes looks like a circus. And in the life of Ben, the manager of middle peasant sports arena, there are days when he feels balancing on a rope. In this rapid comedy, Ben will have to juggle by many sports and entertainment, at the same time coping with their scattered boss and apathetic subordinates.

The center of Sunshine knew the best times, however, like Ben himself. Unpredictable Chief of Ben, Crystal, heads a small office family. Not quite a girl Ben Alice - heart and office language. She is responsible for public relations. Personal enemy of Ben in the center of Sunshine - Alonso, who fights with Ben for the attention of Alice. Alonso Clek, attentive and purposeful - he is the complete opposite of Ben. But fortunately, Ben has a trustee and an ally - Roman, son of Crystal. An employee from the novel is not very, but he knows how to listen.

Every week, despite the unusual requirements of constantly changing sports events, Ben is trying to cope with everything. The frivolity of the crystal drives him crazy, and his slackens-colleagues bring him to rabies, but Ben firmly intends to make the center of Sunshine the best in the world's best stadium.

Matthew Perry, who is also a screenwriter of the show, also promised, which will do everything possible that his colleagues on the series "Friends" participated in his new show as invited stars.

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