Results of the year 2016 according to PopcornNews: Best Actor


Eddie Radmain

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2016 For the star "The Universe Stephen Hawking" began with another nomination for Oscar for the role in the "Girl from Denmark", and ended with a brilliant start of the long-awaited new franchise "Fantastic creatures and where they live." Let "Harry Potter" once earned a total of several billion dollars, there was no guarantee that Spin-Off would be as lucky - and, probably, in many respects, it is precisely thanks to Eddie Redrene "Fantastic Creatures" Now the worldwide rental (cash charges The film has already overcame the mark in half a billion dollars). Producers Spin-Off considered Redmony as the only candidate on the main role in "fantastic creatures" - and, as we see, did not lose.

Eddie Redmein in the "fantastic creature trailer and where they dwell"

Ryan Reynolds.

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This year Ryan Reynolds, in the past, failed green lamp, brilliantly reanimated as a superhero - his "Deadpool", published in February 2016, beat one record after another and eventually turned out to be the most cash film with Rating R (for spectators from 16 and older ), bypassing the "matrix". By the way, for Reynolds, Dadpool was almost a charitable: the actor received a role for his role to a funny little (taking into account the cash fees of the film in $ 780 million) a fee of only $ 2 million, and even from his own pocket paid scripts. For his acting talents next year Ryan Reynolds will receive a well-deserved star on the Hollywood Walk of Glory.

Ryan Reynolds in Dadpula trailer (without censorship!)

Daniel Radcliffe

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Daniel Radcliff successfully copes with the task to move away as far as possible from the familiar image of Harry Potter as possible and not to become an "actor of one role": this year the tireless actor managed to light up on the big screen immediately in three fundamentally different projects. His "Man is a Swiss Knife," where Radcliffe played the role of the corpse, made a lot of noise at the film festivals, and followed Daniel, the image of the ruthless IT-tycoon in the "illusion of deception 2" and a policeman under the cover / Skinhead in the "absolute power". The genre range of Radcliffe remains only to admire - the "hostage" the role of the boy, who survived it is impossible to immediately name it.

Daniel Radcliffes Skinhead chants in the "absolute power" trailer:

Jared Leto

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"Suicide detachment" for Jared Summer became a project for signs for many reasons: first, the actor did not appear on the screen for almost three years (his Dallas Chubus Club with Matthew McConaja came out in 2013), secondly, in front of summer There was a difficult task to play Joker, who had previously embodied the real masters of acting from Jack Nicholson to Hit Ledger. As far as summer coped with its task - to judge, of course, the audience, but it is impossible to deny the fact that in many respects it is thanks to the participation of Jared in the filming of the "suicide squad" the next filmmakes Warner Bros. / DC Comics has become one of the most cash films of the year.

"Suicide detachment": Meet Joker!

Benedict Cumberbatch

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The Star "Sherlock" in 2016 can be congratulated with a really important event in his career: Benedict Cumberbatch finally officially joined the filmmaker Marvel, from which, as we all know perfectly, no one left the multi-million femors and world glory. And let his new superhero, some film critics are quarreled for insufficient originality and suspicious similarity with Tony by Stark / Iron Man, and Cumberbatch himself became the hero of hundreds of memes about "I came to negotiate" - "Dr. Stringe" in just three weeks already managed to become the most cash desk »Marvel and earned over 600 million dollars.

Benedict Cumberbatch changes reality in the Trailer "Dr. Strange":

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