"One person!": In the network discusses the Scarlet Son Valentina Rubatova from Sashitani


At the beginning of the year, a new season of the Sashattanian Multi-Sashatan film was started on TNT. The series is a kind of continuation of the Youth Sitkom "Univer", from where two main characters came from, who got married, and another part of actors close to the family. At the young astronomer Alexander Sergeyev and his wife, Tatiana in the scenario was born the son of Aleshka, who played the young actor Artemy Shirokov. According to the plot, Sergeyev-younger is about to last seven years, and he will go to school. With each new season, the boy's role is paid to more and more attention, and he becomes a full-fledged member participant.

Recently, the executor of the role of Tanya Actress Valentina Rubtsova posted a photo with the on-screen son, touching the picture: "Rodin". Fans could not not notice the real similarity between the "Mom and Son". "One person!", "" Kinosyn "grew in front of her eyes!", "Really similar!", "I love the series and Lehe! He matures with each season, "the fans said.

Artemy Shirokov was born on September 25, 2011. His parents are not connected with the theater or cinema, but they lead his official instagram, which is signed by just over 7,000 people, as well as fan pieces in other social networks. The topic debuted as the grandson of the oligarch Sergeyev when he was half a year. The young actor literally grew in front of the audience and the entire film crew. Now Artyom for eight years old, the boy also tries himself as a photo model.

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