No courage: Elizabeth Olsen wanted to try his way in Hollywood


Actress Elizabeth Olsen, famous for the role of Vanda Maximoff in the filmmaker Marvel, admitted that since the beginning of his way in the actor felt the influence of the name Olsen.

A 32-year actress decorated the cover of the issue of the magazine Grazia USA and gave an interview in which he told about life in the shadow of their famous sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley.

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"Yes, I know perfectly well what is a courage," said Elizabeth and noted that he felt the fame and influence of her sisters, when first began to listen in Hollywood. "Of course, I wanted to achieve everything," Olsen emphasized. She managed to make their way to the movies and get a role in the Avengers, as well as the TV series disney + "Vandavid".

Elizabeth says she likes how her older sisters dress up, and she always wanted to have clothes, like them. "All that Mary-Kate and Ashley wore earlier, I would put on and now. I want their coat, their shoes, their dresses. I never grow out of this, "the actress noted. According to her, she regularly looks in second-hand to find clothes similar to her sisters' clothes, which is 34 years old.

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Elizabeth notes that there are many things that make her feel unique and different from her sisters - for example, her love for the theater.

"Sisters do not like to perform in the theater, they do not like the live audience. They are rather shy, and it makes them nervous, "the actress said. According to the younger of Olsen, she invited Mary-Kate and Ashley to all his performances: "They had to go to all my performances. I always liked the theater, dancing and singing, in this I consider myself unique. "

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