"Every hour is painted": Shepelev did not stay without work after the cancellation of his show


Leading and blogger Dmitry Shepelev published on the page in Instagram record, which spoke about his schedule and preferred mode. The post presenter illustrated by frames from a photo session, in which she appeared in a beige coat and a black checkered classic cap.

"Early morning I try to carry out without gadgets, do not block the head with electronic garbage. I accompany my son to school. And then every hour is painted until the evening. There is a sport, work, meeting, everything is like everyone else with a break for lunch, "says Shepelev.

According to him, in the evenings, he tries to spend time with his family, and not in the company of gadgets, and before bedtime reads a book.

Fans supported Shepelev. In the comments, they praised him for a thoughtful schedule, which combines family clocks, and workers. Some fans shared under the record and their days of the day, noting that they also try to give the time of everything.

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"Well done, there is something to learn! The best mood and the right mode, "say network users.

Also, fans are highly appreciated and the image that the whispels chose photos. They believe that the TV presenter needs to be filmed into a movie or try himself in the model business, it looks so effectively in the chosen dress.

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