10 of the greatest actors who have never been "Oscar"


10. Will Smith

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

Will Smith is the owner of one of the most phenomenal quarries in show business: in a very young age, he won fame first as a rapper, then - as a television and, finally, as an actor. "Independence Day", "People in black", "bad guys" - the nineties were issued for Smith really successful, and the roles were more serious in a change of comedy roles. For shooting in two bauses, "Ali" and "in pursuit of happiness", Smith, who has proven his incomplete acting talent, awarded the nominations for Oscar - but did not receive the cherished statuette.

9. John Malkovich

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

John Malkovich Most viewers knows the roles of eccentric characters or villains, often in dramas - and, of course, according to the film "Being John Malkovich", which due to the original idea does not fit completely into any of the standard genres. In exactly the same - non-standard - actor is John Malkovich himself, twice denominated for Oscar, but never received him.

8. Bill Murray

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

Surprisingly, Bill Murray, who is probably known, almost all thanks to the roles in the "Groundhog Day" and "Ghostbusters", there are still no "Oscar" - although the comedic actor career began in the seventies, that is, over 40 years back! Moreover, Bill Murray was received by his only nomination for Oscar in 2004: the actor claimed Oscar in the category "Best Actor" for the role in the "Labor Difficulties" category.

7. Richard Gir

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

Having succeeded on the theater stage and receiving episodic roles in the cinema, Richard Gir overnight became a world-wide star, starring in "American Gigolo" in the distant 1979. For this role, roles in dozens of romantic comedies, meloders and simply drama were followed by the Richard Richard Gir firmly held a place in the top ten most popular and demanded actors. However, despite the long career, dozens of roles and an impressive range of genres, Richard Gir never (!) Not even nominated for Oscar, not to mention the conquest of a prestigious award.

6. Johnny Depp

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

Johnny Depp - a figure for Hollywood Unique: The Star of the Pirates of the Caribbean Combines the undoubted talent, incredible charisma, an amazing genre range and willingness to try almost anything. The most amazing lies in the fact that there is almost any character from Depp - whether Edward's hands-scissors and charming Jack Sparrow or a drug dealer from Cocaine. Unfortunately, the readiness of the Depp risks, creating unforgettable images, the "Oscar" jury has not yet appreciated.

5. Robert Downey Jr

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

Like Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr. in a special presentation does not need - this charismatic, infinitely charming actor can immediately be remembered. Most remembers the Downey Jr. by the role of an Iron man in the Avengers and other Marvel blockbusters, however, in the actor repertoire, which began to be filmed back in 1970 at the age of 5 (!) Years, there are much more complex and deep roles - for the role Charlie Chaplin in the 1993 Bayopic Downey Jr. received its first nomination for Oscar.

4. Alan Rickman

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

Alan Rickman is known, mostly razov villains or, at least negative characters - it is worth remembering at least his professor of Severus Snowhead from Harry Potter. Praise critics Rickman earned and for the role of Sheriff Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. And today it is already difficult to imagine that Professor Severus Snegmon once was the main villain in the very first "strong nut" - and confronted by the Unbound Bruce Willis!

3. Tom Cruise

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

Tom Cruise without exaggeration can be called one of the most famous people on the planet. In the "Location" of the actor there are many hits - "The best arrows", "risky business", "Impossible Mission". However, Cruz proved that he is truly a brilliant actor, removing not only in standard in general blockbusters, but also deep, interesting dramatic films. For them, Tom Cruise and got three of its nominations for Oscar - film academics celebrated his role in "Born Fourth of July", "Magnolia" and "Jerry Maguyer".

2. Harrison Ford

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

At the tireless Indiana Jones and Khan Solo in one person - 32 nominations for various filmmakes and 31 more victory, but the Ford did not work out with Oscar: for all his dizzying career, the actor only nominated for Oscar for the role In the film "Witness" back in 1986 and, naturally, did not receive the cherished statuette. Since then, almost 30 years have passed - and the legendary in all senses actor still does not have no "Oscar", nor at least another nomination.

1. Liam Nison

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

The acting career Liam Nison shared exactly two parts - until 2008, when he suddenly turned out to be a star of the militant "Host", and after. Prior to that, Nison became famous for the roles in the "List of Schindler" type (for which he received the only nomination for Oscar), after he began to act in the militants and spy thrillers, missing, in fact, his only one today is a chance to become the owner of a prestigious reward today .

Bonus: Leonardo Dicaprio

10 of the greatest actors who have never been

In the past few years, saying "Oscar", we first remember Leonardo Dicaprio - and, speaking of the star "Titanic", be sure to remember "Oscar", or rather, his absence. And this is understandable: over the past few years, Dicaprio, once a lubricant boy from the romantic "Titanic" turned into a powerful actor, one of the best in Hollywood. Aviator, "Wolf with Wall Street", "Start", "apostates", "Dzhango liberated" - really strong and bright roles of dicaprio can be listed for a very long time. Ultimately, Leo was nominated for Oscar 5 times - and at least on the theory of probability sooner or later it should be obtained by the desired statuette.

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