Blanket and ugly bear: Jiji Hadid told about the gifts Taylor Swift


Jiji Hadid and Taylor Swift are friends for many years. In a conversation with a journalist Vogue, the model told that a girlfriend during pregnancy was often near in difficult moments and helped. In addition, immediately after the birth of the first-mention, Jiji Taylor sent very touching gifts to the baby.

Mom Hadid became last September, giving birth to a girl named Hi. The father of the child was the ex-soloist of the One Direction of Zain Malik, with which the model is found for five years. Shortly after the birth of High, a happy mom published a photo in Instagram, on which it was imprisoned as a tiny handle of her daughter squeezes a soft pink blanket. He was just presented with Taylor.

But it turned out that Jiji shared with fans not by all gifts. A bear was attached to the blanket, whom Swift sewed herself from her dress.

"He is a bit deformed, so Taylor called him an ugly teddy bear. She had such when she was small, "Jiji told, and without showing such a personal present.

Blanket and ugly bear: Jiji Hadid told about the gifts Taylor Swift 65489_1

In addition, in an interview with Vogue, the model remembered that at the first months of pregnancy she had a terrible toxicosis and simply mad appetite. Hadid admitted that she could calmly eat ribs with roasted potatoes, a rugged salad, creamy cheese, tomato salad with lots of salt and pepper, bread and triple pieces of cake. However, the most welcome dish then for Jiji were bagels. But it was almost impossible to find them in the scenes of the fashion week. It was then to the aid and came the best friend, which somehow could get a bakery product in London at the Burberry show.

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