"Volochkova rests": 49-year-old Nonna Grishaeva delighted fans of photography on the yacht


The 49-year-old humorist Nonna Grishaeva continues to surprise the fans of "marine" pictures from the resorts that enjoy almost a month. Judging by the Instagram-Account of the Star, the sunbathing baths on the Black Sea coast she began in mid-July. In the microblog, a few weeks ago, she published a roller, where furrows over the Russian coast in the aircraft chair. Now the actress shared the next scene, judging by Hesteg, made in Odessa.

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Публикация от Нонна Гришаева OFFICIAL (@grishaevanonna)

"I am going to take off," Nonna reported to his fans, being on board the yacht.

In the photo, it is captured in a fairly extreme posture on the handrails of the vessel. For a walk Grishaeva came out in white. She put on short shorts, a mesh t-shirt, not forgetting about a cap and sunglasses. Perching on the railing, the actress demonstrated attractive legs.

"Almost like Volochkova," subscribers immediately noticed.

"Crue Volochkova," the others insisted, remembering the ballerina's discrepanted swords.

Many humorous fans admitted that for their age she looks stunning. In the personal microblog, the actress does not cease to surprise the follovers with a boyfall and tightened forms.

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