TV program for today, February 12, 2017, for all channels


TV program on February 12, 2017 on the first channel

05:35 alone with everyone

06:00 News

06:10 alone with everyone

06:30 Mistel

08:10 Smeshariki. Pin

08:25 hour

08:55 Health

10:00 News with subtitles

10:15 »Non-notes» With Dmitry Krylov

10:35 While all at home

11:25 Fazenda (new room for faith)

12:00 News with subtitles

12: 20 Biathlon World Championship. Pursuit. Women. Austria live ether

13:00 Conspiracy Theory (Fashion Nights)

14:00 Faithful friends

16:00 Concert Stas Mikhailova

18:00 "Best of all!" Reference recipes »

19:30 Best of all!

21:00 Sunday "Time"

22:30 "KVN-2017". Selection game

00:50 Kanoneck

04:15 Control purchase

TV program on February 12, 2017 in Russia 1

05: 00 Sale Detective Tatyana Ivanova (Dolce Vita in Russian)

07:00 Mult-Morning (Masha and Bear)

07:30 Himself director

08:20 »Mentopanoram» Evgenia Petrosyan

08:50 Morning mail

09:30 one hundred to one

10: 20 months. Vesti-Moscow. Week in the city

11:00 Vesti

11: 20Mix allowed

14:00 Vesti

14: 20 Tools! Login allowed

16: 20st wife

20:00 West weeks

22:00 Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov

00:30 fiction is excluded. Scout century

01:30 Women on the verge (5th and 6th series)

TV program on February 12, 2017 on NTV

05:05 their morals

05:25 Agent of special purpose-2 ("Difficulties of translation", 1st and 2nd series)

07: 00Central television

08:00 Today

08: 20 Treatment "Happy Morning"

09:25 Eat at home

10:00 Today

10: 20 Transmission

11: 05Chedo Technology (release of February 12)

12:00 County answer (release of February 12)

13:05 Nashipotennadzor

14:10 also people (Safron's brothers)

15:05 Own game

16:00 Today

16: Based ... (release of February 12)

18:00 New Russian Sensations

19:00 "Results of the week" with Irada Zeynalova

20:30 Explosive wave

22:40 Syndbad Time (Alpine Crossroads, 1st - 4th Series)

02: 20 I will eat!

02:45 Food without rules

03:35 Judicial detective

04:25 Resort Police (1st series)

TV program on February 12, 2017 on TV Center

05:50 next to us

07:40 Lifestyle (release of February 12)

08:10 Perfect murder

10:05 Kings episode (Yuri Belov)

10:55 young lady and culinary

11:30 Events

11:45 Petrovka, 38

11:55 State criminal

13:50 Laughter with delivery to the house

14:30 Moscow week

15:00 Happiness under the contract

16:55 stepmother

20:30 Murder scenery

00:15 Events

00:30 The adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Treasures agry

03:30 Love and hatred in great politics. Margaret Thatcher

TV program on February 12, 2017 on the Culp Channel

06:30 Euronews

10:00 Ordinary concert with Edward Ether

10:35 Spring

12:15 Rostislav Klyatt - Sage and Clown

13:00 Russia, my love! (Just three strings)

13:30 Speakers with Belukha

14:35 Genius and Villaina (Otto Schmidt)

15: 05 What to do?

15:50 Grota Yungan. Place where Buddhism has become a religion of China

16:05 Vyacheslav Butusov. Awakening joy

16:35 Library of adventure (journey to the beginning of time)

16:50 Journey to the beginning of time

18:15 on foot ... (Feodosia Aivazovsky)

18:45 Seekers (legend "Lake Death")

19:30 Lyudmila Gurchenko for all times

21:05 Farewell tours

22:15 »Middle Circle» Andrei Eshpaya

23:10 P.I. Tchaikovsky. "Eugene Onegin". Theater "Helikon-Opera"

01:45 Perfil and Thomas

01:55 Seekers (legend of "Lake Death")

02:40 Loire Valley. Glitter and poverty

TV program on February 12, 2017 on the channel Match TV

06:30 Double

07:00 News

07:05 All on the match! Events of the week

07:35 News

07:40 dozen!

08: 00Cemonication of the opening of the XXII Winter Olympics. Broadcast from Sochi

11:25 News

11:30 Biathlon. World Championship. Sprint. Men. Broadcast from Austria

13:10 News

13:15 All on hockey!

13:55 Hockey. Eurotur. "Swedish games". Live broadcast (Russia - Czech Republic)

16:25 News

16:35 Biathlon. World Championship. Pursuit. Men. Live broadcast from Austria

17:25 News

17:35 Everything for the match!

18:25 Hooligans. England

18:55 Football. Championship of England. Live broadcast ("Swansea" - "Leicester")

20:55 News

21:00 Everything for the match!

21:30 Cruel Sports

22:00 News

22:10 Sports reporter

22:40 Football. ITALY championship. Live broadcast ("Cagliari" - "Juventus")

00:40 Everything for the match!

01:25 Speed ​​skating. World Championships in separate distances. Broadcast from Korea

01:55 Short Track. World Cup. Broadcast from Belarus

02:25 Basketball. Unified League VTB. "Match Stars." Broadcast from Sochi

04:25 Faster

TV program on February 12, 2017 on the CTC channel

05:50 Music on the STS

06:00 Yelalash

06:25 Barboskina

06:55 Fixy

07:35 Dragons: Ollha Defenders

09:00 Smeshariki

09:15 Three cats

09:30 Coralina in the country of nightmares

11:25 Earth of the Future

13:55 Terminator-3. Rise of the Machines

16: 00Risty dumplings (favorite)

16:30 Terminator. Genesis

18:55 Plan for the game

21:00 Terminator: May the Savior comes

23:15 Speed-2. Cruise control

01:35 Running man

03:30 Plan for the game

TV program on February 12, 2017 on channel Ren TV

05:00 Godzill

06:50 Kamenskaya (1st - 16th series)

23:00 Dogs on the air

00:00 Salt (Resurrection)

01:30 "Military Mystery" with Igor Prokopenko

TV program on February 12, 2017 on the TNT channel

06:00 Last ship (6th series - "Strict Isolation")

07:00 TNT. MIX (47th series)

07:30 Agents 003 (44th series)

08:00 TNT. MIX (49th series)

08:30 TNT. MIX (50th series)

09:00 House-2. Lite.

10:00 House-2. Wedding per million

11:00 Restart (239th series)

12:00 Adaptation (1st series)

12:30 Adaptation (2nd series)

13:00 Adaptation (3rd series)

13:30 Adaptation (4th series)

14:00 Adaptation (5th series)

14:30 people X.

16:25 people X-2

19:00 Outdoor microphone (1st series)

19:30 Outdoor microphone (1st series)

20:00 Open Microphone (2nd series)

21:00 Open Microphone (3rd series)

22: 00Stand Up (88th series)

23:00 House-2. City of love

00:00 House-2. After sunset. Special translation

01:00 Do not sleep! (98th series)

02:00 Predatiki

04:05 Shine

Telephone for February 12, 2017 on the domestic channel

05:00 home kitchen (96th series - "Angelina Vovk")

05:30 Jamie: Lunch for 15 minutes (35th and 36th series)

06:30 Jamie: Lunch for 15 minutes (37th and 38 Series)

07:30 Marya-Sklennik

09:05 Life at first (1st and 2nd series)

10:55 How to marry a millionaire (1st - 4th series)

14:25 Unloved (1st - 4th series)

18:00 I guess-Bag (2 series)

19:00 Do not leave

22:55 Married abroad (2 series - "France")

23:55 6 Frames

00:30 three semi-arration (1st - 4th series)

04:00 WEDDING SIZE (34th series - "Tokarev")

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