We present the nominees to Oscar-2016: "The best movie of the year"


Lowering game / The Big Short

Cast: Brad Pitt, Selena Gomez, Christian Bale, Karen Gillan, Ryan Gosling, Steve Karel, Marisa Tome, Finn Wittrtok, Max Greenfield, Melissa Leo

It is based on real events The history of several seats, which independently of each other predicted the global economic crisis of 2008 long before he was whispering in Wall Street Culiar. And predicting, earned on it. Not wanting.

Forecast of bookmakers for the victory of the film on Oscar : 11 K 1

Forecast of the Camecperts for the victory of the film for Oscar : 15 to 2

Spy Bridge / Bridge of Spies

Cast: Tom Hanks, Amy Ryan, Alan Alda, Mark Rielanx, Billy Magnussen, Austin Stowell, Yves Hewson, Domenic Lombardozzi, Sebastian Koh

The film takes place on the background of a series of real historical events and talks about Brooklyn lawyer James Donovan, who finds himself in the Cold War epicenter, when the CIA sends it to the almost impossible task - to agree on the release of the American pilot of the U2 aircraft captured in the USSR.

Forecast of bookmakers for the victory of the film on Oscar : 33 K 1

Forecast of the Camecperts for the victory of the film for Oscar : 11 K 1

Brooklyn / Brooklyn.

Cast: Sirsha Ronan, Emory Cohen, Donal Glison, Jim Broadbent, Julie Walters, Emily Bette Ricards, Nora-Jane Nun, Eva Bertistl, Jessica Pare

History of Ellis Lacey, who reluctantly leaves his native Irish village and goes in search of work in America. As a result, it settles in Brooklyn, gradually heal from nostalgia and begins to enjoy the air of freedom. Everything else, Ellis falls in love, but the tragic news from the Motherland makes her return to Ireland, where she meets another man and as a result is forced to make a difficult choice.

Forecast of bookmakers for the victory of the film on Oscar : 44 K 1

Forecast of the Camecperts for the victory of the film for Oscar : 14 K 1

Mad Max: Road Freak / Mad Max: Fury Road

Cast: Tom Hardy, Nicholas Holt, Charlize Theron, Rozy Huntington-Whiteley, Riley Keoh, Zoe Kravitz, Nathan Jones, Josh Helman, Megan Gale

Shortly after obsolete for the death of his wife and son, Max Rochatsky left the ranks of the "main power patrol" and left for the wilderness, where he wanders alone while the world slowly decreases due to the oil crisis and global war. Without having nothing but its interceptor car, Max will have to learn how to survive in post-apocalyptic wasteless and fight with cruel, ruthless warriors who inhabit it.

Forecast of bookmakers for the victory of the film on Oscar : 35 K 2

Forecast of the Camecperts for the victory of the film for Oscar : 10 K 1

Martian / The Martian

Cast: Matt Damon, Jessica Chen, Kate Mara, Kristen Wig, Jeff Daniels, Sebastian Stan, Michael Peña, Sean Bean, Axel Henny

After the strongest storm at Mars, the colleagues of the astronaut, the brand Sens considered him dead and left the Red Planet. But Sens survived and turned out to be quite alone. Mark does not fell in spirit and shows all his ingenuity to invent the way to inform Earth about his position. Now, for millions of kilometers from Mars, NASA staff and the best scientists from different countries make every effort to return "Martian" home, and his crew members organize a practically impossible rescue mission. The whole world, hopping his breath, follows the return of Sents to the native planet.

Forecast of bookmakers for the victory of the film on Oscar : 9 to 1

Forecast of the Camecperts for the victory of the film for Oscar : 8 to 1

Survivor / The Revenant

Cast: Tom Hardy, Leonardo di Caprio, Will Polater, Donal Glison, Lucas Haas, Paul Anderson, Brendan Fletcher, Brad Carter, Cristoffer Jonere

The legendary pioneer Hugh Glass was seriously injured in a fight with a bear and left to die with his comrades on the expedition on the uncharted expanses of the American Wild West. In the desire to survive the challenge, the pursuit of his adversity and betrayal from a friend John Fitzheld. Will led by the power and love for his family, Hugh must overcome the harsh winter to survive and find the redemption.

Forecast of bookmakers for the victory of the film on Oscar : 15 to 8

Forecast of the Camecperts for the victory of the film for Oscar : 7 to 1

Room / Room

Cast: Bree Larson, Joan Allen, William H. Macy, Jacob Tremblé, Amanda Broall, Megan Park

The girl named Ma, kidnapped when she was still a teenager. Since then, the poor man lives in a tiny room along with his 5-year-old Son Jack. The boy did not see anything other than this room, he was born in her and never left her.

Forecast of bookmakers for the victory of the film on Oscar : 25 K 1

Forecast of the Camecperts for the victory of the film for Oscar : 22 K 1

In the center of attention / Spotlight

Cast: Michael Keaton, Rachel Makadams, Mark Ruffalo, Liv Schreiber, Stanley Tucci, Billy Kradap, John Slutteri, Jamie Sheridan, Brian D Arsi James, Paul Gilfoyl

The tape was based on the Boston Globe newspaper. The whole group of authors was digging under the Boston Metropolitan and, after all, a pedoophil scandal was separated. They managed to prove that some priests of Boston picked up for children, while the Cardinal and Archbishop of the Bernard Lowe City Church knew about it and allegedly covered them. After the publication, the scandal flared up and stronger and stronger on the principle of chain reaction, and, as a result, he led to the resignation of Cardinal Low. In addition, the Boston Church paid millions of compensation and closed more fifty parishes.

Forecast of bookmakers for the victory of the film on Oscar : 11 to 13

Forecast of the Camecperts for the victory of the film for Oscar : 5 to 1

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